PORSCHE Genuine Parts
We order and sell all genuine Porsche parts, even if it's just a single screw.
Please download the genuine parts catalog (PDF file) below, and fill in the inquiry/quote request form with the part number, part name, quantity, etc., and then send it to us. We will contact you by email to let you know the sales price.
When making an inquiry, please provide your vehicle identification number, even if it is a hassle. This will allow us to check whether options are available.
Please contact us if you have any questions about a vehicle that is not listed in the catalog below.
Products from parts shops in the United States other than ours
You can also purchase products from parts shops in the United States, such as Sierra Madre Collection, Stoddard , and Pelican Parts, through our company.
For sales prices, please contact us using the inquiry/quote request form , including the sales shop name, product number, part name, quantity, etc.
Regarding shipping charges
By purchasing parts from our online catalogue together with genuine PORSCHE parts or products from other manufacturers, you can significantly reduce shipping costs.
However, for products not listed in our online catalog, we are unable to provide a shipping estimate in advance as we do not have information on weight or size. Please refer to the table below as a rough guide.
weight | 1kg | 5kg | 10kg | 25kg | 50kg | 100kg |
Fee | $40 | $80 | $115 | $195 | $330 | $380 |
*Note: For bulky parts such as body parts, we will charge you the greater of the actual weight or the dimensional weight (length x width x height ÷ 6000).
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us using the inquiry/quote request form .